OUR PURPOSE: Positively Breezy is a blog centering on Superstar, Chris Brown. Postings strictly focus on what Chris is doing to become an even better entertainer and humanitarian. Chris is using his celebrity to keep awareness on the natural disaster that affected many lives in Haiti as well as non-profit organizations like: the Kemoeatu Brothers Foundation in Hawaii, the worldwide Best Buddies and Symphonic Love.

We encourage everyone to browse through our posts and be inspired by this young man and what he has accomplished and be inspired to stay positive in mind, body, and soul.

The Movement

Friday, May 21, 2010

Recap: VA Stand Up Benefit Concert

Hi everyone,

     Sorry for the delay in posting but we are back and have a lot to discuss. We made this video through one of our camera phones since cameras were not allowed by the time we arrived. It is not the entire concert but mainly focuses on parts of Chris Brown's performance.

     As you will see, we were in a secondary group of seats in the floor section but our video does include Ron G, the comedian that had us laughing in between most of the acts, Chris' intro which includes a screen video which many are familiar with from his other shows, however, this one had a surprise speaker..President Barack Obama! Other highlights we were able to capture (but keep in mind of our seats) include: Renzo @only1zStarr's solo tap dance, the lucky girl on the couch where he's "talking to her", bringing out his surprise guest, Tyga Tyga, doing the crazy flips, showed us how to do the "Swag and Surf", his "Say Goodbye" A cappella and of course his amazing singing and dancing!!

     He finished his outstanding performance by saying, "I let you down before Virginia, I won't do it again." Thanked everyone and walked away the humble young man we are happy to be fans of his music, his positive outlook on life, commitment to his family, friends, and people in general. In our opinion, Chris Brown has made his homestate proud just like he is with putting VA on the map!

If anyone reading this went, please let us know!

The Movement © 2010, copyright Blog

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