OUR PURPOSE: Positively Breezy is a blog centering on Superstar, Chris Brown. Postings strictly focus on what Chris is doing to become an even better entertainer and humanitarian. Chris is using his celebrity to keep awareness on the natural disaster that affected many lives in Haiti as well as non-profit organizations like: the Kemoeatu Brothers Foundation in Hawaii, the worldwide Best Buddies and Symphonic Love.

We encourage everyone to browse through our posts and be inspired by this young man and what he has accomplished and be inspired to stay positive in mind, body, and soul.

The Movement

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy 21st Chris!

For a man that needs no Introduction, Chris Brown has come along and not only had you Run It!, but he also had dudes using the line, “Yo (Excuse Me Miss).” His Young Love is what the girls want. When Chris takes his shirt off he has all the women screaming, Gimme That and when he sees someone he wants he proudly declares, smh, Ya Man Ain't Me. I’m the Winner here, coolest dude around here, that’s why they call me Breezy. The dimples says it all: Ain't No Way (You Won't Love Me) and now watch him bite his lip. He speaks in his mic and asks, "ladies, What's My Name?" The crowd goes crazy and say, “oh Breezy” Asking themselves, Is This Love? Each smiles and believes it is, knows it is

With ChrisPoppin' swag and knows how to stay Just Fine, it’s hard for any female young or old to Say Goodbye. He came back again with a Run It! (Remix) as a way to say Thank You for keepin it Poppin' (Remix). He is So Glad to have found you and has Seen The Light for who will stick by him through everything. It has been proven Which Ones will stick with Chris through the rain as well as the sunshine? Mama Joyce, his family, the Skully Boys, his friends, and his fans, especially Team Breezy and his belief in God! Where’s TB’s Skully Boys and the Skully Girls?

"Thank You"

While the normal gratitude for who they are thankful for are listed on the back of the CD cover, mentioned when an award is just received or during a concert. Chris Brown fans are used to hearing all of this, it's a guarantee that his family, friends, fans, and especially the Lord will have a "Thank You" slip from his lips for all to hear. However, Chris doesn't just say thank you when it's necessary or just something automatic.

When Chris says Thank You to his mom, Thank You to his family, Thank You to his friends, Thank You to his fans, you know he means it with every fiber in his beings. With Chris turning 21 today, he can also continue to Thank God for allowing to exist another day. For being able to live out his dreams of being a singer, dancer, humanitarian, and a list of other hidden talents his true love ones are able to see.

Thank You Chris Brown
for continuing on a positive
path to be the best man and
great role model to not only
children, but fans all over
who have sad days but hearing
your music puts a smile on their faces.

Happy Birthday to ya,
Happy Birthday to ya,
Happy Birth-day Christopha!!

The Movement © 2010, copyright Blog


  1. Beautiful post! I'm glad to see someone being postive about this gifted & talented young man.

  2. Wow well said, he has definitely come along way and i knw that there are greater things in stock for this young man. Chris Brown you inspire us everyday with your positivity and your growth, I pray that GOD continues to shine his light on you and you are truly loved by your #TeamBreezy familiy all over the world
