OUR PURPOSE: Positively Breezy is a blog centering on Superstar, Chris Brown. Postings strictly focus on what Chris is doing to become an even better entertainer and humanitarian. Chris is using his celebrity to keep awareness on the natural disaster that affected many lives in Haiti as well as non-profit organizations like: the Kemoeatu Brothers Foundation in Hawaii, the worldwide Best Buddies and Symphonic Love.

We encourage everyone to browse through our posts and be inspired by this young man and what he has accomplished and be inspired to stay positive in mind, body, and soul.

The Movement

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

BET Awards 2010: Chris Brown

Hi everyone,

This has been one of the most challenging two weeks for Team Breezy.  BET’s 106 and Park had announced that they were having a two week contest between Nicki Minaj, Trey Songz, Chris Brown and Justin Beiber in honor of Bet’s celebrating 10 years of service. This wasn’t just any ordinary challenge, but one that took dedication and teamwork.  At the end of the contest the contestant with the most points will win the AOL Fandemonium Award…the first of its kind. The following is the list of challenges and the rankings:

First Challenge: SMS Voting CB to 79922; Result: 1st Place
Second Challenge: Twitter #BETChris; Result: 2nd Place
Third Challenge: 1st Bonus to text CB to 79922 for 5 mins; Result 3rd Place
Fourth Challenge: Photo Upload proof you are the artist fan; Result 1st Place
Fifth Challenge: Video Views of Crawl; Result 1st place..We had 154,754 views in two days!!
Sixth Challenge: BET's FB page "I Like" for Chris; Result 1st Place
Seventh Challenge: SMS Surprise of tweeting #BETBreezy; Result 1st Place
Total points were 25

On Sunday, June 27, 2010, there was a tribute to honor the late great King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Jermaine Jackson, brother of Michael Jackson hit the stage and gave a heartfelt introduction for the next performer. Leaving much to the audience imagination, Jermaine Jackson was so excited and thrilled that his brother would get the proper tribute that was due to him. As he introduced the performer his eyes filled with tears as he left out the performer’s name. Acknowledging the fact that they were in for a great Michael Jackson tribute, the audience was immediately on their feet, and continued the standing ovation the entire tribute! The auditorium lights came down and stage lights were focused on a man silhouetted behind a white sheet. Many would say that Michael Jackson was the man behind the silhouette, but to our surprise the man behind the silhouette was Chris Brown.

Revealing himself to the audience, Chris was wearing the blue tied shirt, white tee, and black pants from "The Way You Make Me Feel" video, singing a few lines from one of Michael's many popular hits. Four male dancers joined him on stage to perform the infamous moves from the "Remember the Time" video. Next up for the audience pleasure was a special black screen used to illuminate multiple dancers outlined in white doing some moves from "Smooth Criminal".

This gave Chris plenty of time to exchange the blue shirt for a black glimmering jacket, with the white tee, donned with the "glove", hat, white socks and black shoes everyone knows was classic Michael Jackson. Music from "Billie Jean" started to play and Chris did a great job at perfecting the moonwalk. Every move was effortless as he paid homage to his idol, Michael. The finale was "Man in the Mirror". Whether it was the words that struck Chris' soul, the lost of his idol, being able to perform the tribute we've all been waiting to see for a year, or all of the above, Chris received help from his peers and show guests who noticed his emotions had gotten into the way of him singing the song we all knew the words to.

"I'm going to make a change, for once in my life...it's going to feel real good, gonna make a difference, going to make it right.." Goosebumps trickle down your spine as Michael's voice echoes from speakers and the audience singing the words that helped make this tribute to Michael Jackson all that much more memorable. We can say Michael Jackson is clearly at peace and so is Chris. We miss you Michael and we're so very pleased that Chris Brown was finally able to show you how much your life has inspired so many that have witnessed your genius. Although, Michael died a tragic death, we can see that there was room for both to excel. At the end of the heartfelt tribute the crowd was still on their feet and there was no dry eye in the Shrine Auditorium.

As the Bet Award’s show closed, they announced the artist that won the fandemonium challenge. As Ray J and Brandy asked the audience who won, you could clearly hear the cries for Chris Brown. The envelope was finally opened and the winner was revealed. And the winner is……..Chris Brown.

Chris came from backstage to accept his award and thanked his fans personally, by shouting out their name “Teambreezy”.  Teambreezy all over the world was so proud to contribute to making sure he got what we all knew he deserved in front of a once again, standing ovation. He stated he did not expect to have received this award and he was very humble as usual. As he had told the audience "I let ya down once, I will never do it again" the crowd gave another standing ovation, because it was at that moment they realized he was human and he accepted full responsibility for his actions. This is a new journey that Chris is embarking and we, Teambreezy is proud to say that we were a part of the transformation. As Psalms 62:8 states: "Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah

Today is a new day. Let remain positive and basin in the good thing that have happen.
Live, Laugh, Love!

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

1 comment:

  1. I just have one correction. Chris said that he didn't prepare a speech becuz he didn't expect to still be backstage. I don't think for one second that he didn't think he would win. Chris knows who hard TeamBreezy goes for him so he knew that he would be ontop. We made him Mr. Twitter and we made him number 1 on 106 and Park. We will continue to make him number 1 and I believe that he knows that. He also has long took responsibility for his actions as this is the 2nd time that he said that he let us down and that he won't do it again. It hurts me everytime he saids that. I never felt like he let me down but I cheer him on as he works to reconcile his mistakes with his quest for forgiveness.
