OUR PURPOSE: Positively Breezy is a blog centering on Superstar, Chris Brown. Postings strictly focus on what Chris is doing to become an even better entertainer and humanitarian. Chris is using his celebrity to keep awareness on the natural disaster that affected many lives in Haiti as well as non-profit organizations like: the Kemoeatu Brothers Foundation in Hawaii, the worldwide Best Buddies and Symphonic Love.

We encourage everyone to browse through our posts and be inspired by this young man and what he has accomplished and be inspired to stay positive in mind, body, and soul.

The Movement

Friday, June 18, 2010

BET and AOL Fandemonium Award's Challenge #4: Fan Photos

Good evening everyone,

We are sure by now that Teambreezy is well aware of what challenge #4 is as well as the link to upload the pics. We jotted down a few keynotes from what Rocsi had said on 106 and Park when she and Terrence explained the Fan Photo Challenge.

At http://www.106andpark/ under the section labeled Fandemonium is where fans are uploading their pictures. The information given on the page is: Upload photos of yourself showing what a die hard fan you are! Be part of the Fandemonium! For your photo to count as a vote, you MUST include one of the following in the display name: BETChris as well as the other three contenders. *If you are not a member of bet.com or flux log in, you will have to create an account which takes about a minute or two to complete.

Rocsi's suggestions off the top of her head are: have a picture of yourself wearing a concert T-shirt you bought when you saw your favorite artist, have a picture of yourself with a poster/posters all over your room (we suggest you try to do individual poster pics if you can to increase how many pics you upload), picture of yourself holding up the artist album (try to do one of each to make each one count as one).

Our suggestions:
Concert ticket (one per pic is preferred so you can get the most benefit out of doing this one..just make sure it is visible in your pic)
A picture you took with Chris i.e. at a Meet and Greet
Photo of yourself holding a mag cover w/Chris or at least showing it is not from the internet
Holding the actual album CD
Drawings you have done showing your love for Chris Brown/Teambreezy

Rules as they have been answered by fans on the bet twitter pages:
You have to be the one in the picture OR it has to be a fan made pic
Whatever you are holding is in the background (poster) has to be of the artist
Upload pic with it the Display Name HAS to be BETChris
No duplicates will count!
Only ONE photoshop'd photo will count!
Separating each poster pic/CD/Magazine DOES count as an individual uploaded pic!
We have 3 days to complete this challenge..in other words, have them uploaded before 6 pm Monday, June 21st
Results will be announced on Mondays' show.

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

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