OUR PURPOSE: Positively Breezy is a blog centering on Superstar, Chris Brown. Postings strictly focus on what Chris is doing to become an even better entertainer and humanitarian. Chris is using his celebrity to keep awareness on the natural disaster that affected many lives in Haiti as well as non-profit organizations like: the Kemoeatu Brothers Foundation in Hawaii, the worldwide Best Buddies and Symphonic Love.

We encourage everyone to browse through our posts and be inspired by this young man and what he has accomplished and be inspired to stay positive in mind, body, and soul.

The Movement

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

BET Awards 2010: Chris Brown

Hi everyone,

This has been one of the most challenging two weeks for Team Breezy.  BET’s 106 and Park had announced that they were having a two week contest between Nicki Minaj, Trey Songz, Chris Brown and Justin Beiber in honor of Bet’s celebrating 10 years of service. This wasn’t just any ordinary challenge, but one that took dedication and teamwork.  At the end of the contest the contestant with the most points will win the AOL Fandemonium Award…the first of its kind. The following is the list of challenges and the rankings:

First Challenge: SMS Voting CB to 79922; Result: 1st Place
Second Challenge: Twitter #BETChris; Result: 2nd Place
Third Challenge: 1st Bonus to text CB to 79922 for 5 mins; Result 3rd Place
Fourth Challenge: Photo Upload proof you are the artist fan; Result 1st Place
Fifth Challenge: Video Views of Crawl; Result 1st place..We had 154,754 views in two days!!
Sixth Challenge: BET's FB page "I Like" for Chris; Result 1st Place
Seventh Challenge: SMS Surprise of tweeting #BETBreezy; Result 1st Place
Total points were 25

On Sunday, June 27, 2010, there was a tribute to honor the late great King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Jermaine Jackson, brother of Michael Jackson hit the stage and gave a heartfelt introduction for the next performer. Leaving much to the audience imagination, Jermaine Jackson was so excited and thrilled that his brother would get the proper tribute that was due to him. As he introduced the performer his eyes filled with tears as he left out the performer’s name. Acknowledging the fact that they were in for a great Michael Jackson tribute, the audience was immediately on their feet, and continued the standing ovation the entire tribute! The auditorium lights came down and stage lights were focused on a man silhouetted behind a white sheet. Many would say that Michael Jackson was the man behind the silhouette, but to our surprise the man behind the silhouette was Chris Brown.

Revealing himself to the audience, Chris was wearing the blue tied shirt, white tee, and black pants from "The Way You Make Me Feel" video, singing a few lines from one of Michael's many popular hits. Four male dancers joined him on stage to perform the infamous moves from the "Remember the Time" video. Next up for the audience pleasure was a special black screen used to illuminate multiple dancers outlined in white doing some moves from "Smooth Criminal".

This gave Chris plenty of time to exchange the blue shirt for a black glimmering jacket, with the white tee, donned with the "glove", hat, white socks and black shoes everyone knows was classic Michael Jackson. Music from "Billie Jean" started to play and Chris did a great job at perfecting the moonwalk. Every move was effortless as he paid homage to his idol, Michael. The finale was "Man in the Mirror". Whether it was the words that struck Chris' soul, the lost of his idol, being able to perform the tribute we've all been waiting to see for a year, or all of the above, Chris received help from his peers and show guests who noticed his emotions had gotten into the way of him singing the song we all knew the words to.

"I'm going to make a change, for once in my life...it's going to feel real good, gonna make a difference, going to make it right.." Goosebumps trickle down your spine as Michael's voice echoes from speakers and the audience singing the words that helped make this tribute to Michael Jackson all that much more memorable. We can say Michael Jackson is clearly at peace and so is Chris. We miss you Michael and we're so very pleased that Chris Brown was finally able to show you how much your life has inspired so many that have witnessed your genius. Although, Michael died a tragic death, we can see that there was room for both to excel. At the end of the heartfelt tribute the crowd was still on their feet and there was no dry eye in the Shrine Auditorium.

As the Bet Award’s show closed, they announced the artist that won the fandemonium challenge. As Ray J and Brandy asked the audience who won, you could clearly hear the cries for Chris Brown. The envelope was finally opened and the winner was revealed. And the winner is……..Chris Brown.

Chris came from backstage to accept his award and thanked his fans personally, by shouting out their name “Teambreezy”.  Teambreezy all over the world was so proud to contribute to making sure he got what we all knew he deserved in front of a once again, standing ovation. He stated he did not expect to have received this award and he was very humble as usual. As he had told the audience "I let ya down once, I will never do it again" the crowd gave another standing ovation, because it was at that moment they realized he was human and he accepted full responsibility for his actions. This is a new journey that Chris is embarking and we, Teambreezy is proud to say that we were a part of the transformation. As Psalms 62:8 states: "Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah

Today is a new day. Let remain positive and basin in the good thing that have happen.
Live, Laugh, Love!

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Letter to Dad

Dear Dad,
I know I don't always tell you this, but I want to thank you for making me who I am today.
See a DAD could be someone who was a positive father figure in your life.
It could be your stepdad, your uncle, your brother, your deacon, your neighbor, mentor, your grandfather, your pastor or DAD could even be your mother.
A DAD's heart is filled with love, whose initials mean Dedicated. Awesome. Devoted.
You taught me how to ride my bike, came to all my games , plays, teachers conference, school meetings when you weren't working.
I know you love and support me because you put me first when I let you down countless times.
Although, you make me angry when I can't have my way. I now realized It was for my own good.
A father is suppose to teach his children about God says Eph 6:4.
He's suppose to teach his son how to be a man.
His daughter to know her self worth.
A house doesn't just need a man in it, but it needs a Father.
For those who are standing in the gaps for fathers, I salute you!
For those single mothers who are playing that dual role, I salute you!
For those men who are being fathers to their children, may God keep and Bless you!
For those of you who don't know your fathers or have no relationship with your father, know that you have a heavenly father.
He has been by your side the moment you allowed him in, he listens to your heart, knows all your problems and when you’ll get through them.
I encourage each of you to look back over your life and see just how far you have come. Don't wait to that special day to tell your DAD, you love them. Give love everyday.
Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful Fathers, the men who took the placement of being there for children who needed someone to call Dad, and to everyone celebrating Father’s Day with their favorite man!

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

Friday, June 18, 2010

BET and AOL Fandemonium Award's Challenge #4: Fan Photos

Good evening everyone,

We are sure by now that Teambreezy is well aware of what challenge #4 is as well as the link to upload the pics. We jotted down a few keynotes from what Rocsi had said on 106 and Park when she and Terrence explained the Fan Photo Challenge.

At http://www.106andpark/ under the section labeled Fandemonium is where fans are uploading their pictures. The information given on the page is: Upload photos of yourself showing what a die hard fan you are! Be part of the Fandemonium! For your photo to count as a vote, you MUST include one of the following in the display name: BETChris as well as the other three contenders. *If you are not a member of bet.com or flux log in, you will have to create an account which takes about a minute or two to complete.

Rocsi's suggestions off the top of her head are: have a picture of yourself wearing a concert T-shirt you bought when you saw your favorite artist, have a picture of yourself with a poster/posters all over your room (we suggest you try to do individual poster pics if you can to increase how many pics you upload), picture of yourself holding up the artist album (try to do one of each to make each one count as one).

Our suggestions:
Concert ticket (one per pic is preferred so you can get the most benefit out of doing this one..just make sure it is visible in your pic)
A picture you took with Chris i.e. at a Meet and Greet
Photo of yourself holding a mag cover w/Chris or at least showing it is not from the internet
Holding the actual album CD
Drawings you have done showing your love for Chris Brown/Teambreezy

Rules as they have been answered by fans on the bet twitter pages:
You have to be the one in the picture OR it has to be a fan made pic
Whatever you are holding is in the background (poster) has to be of the artist
Upload pic with it the Display Name HAS to be BETChris
No duplicates will count!
Only ONE photoshop'd photo will count!
Separating each poster pic/CD/Magazine DOES count as an individual uploaded pic!
We have 3 days to complete this challenge..in other words, have them uploaded before 6 pm Monday, June 21st
Results will be announced on Mondays' show.

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vote Chris Brown's Mixtape Videos via Text

Hi again everyone,

I was one of many that sat down to watch 106 and Park just for the chance to not only hear who had won the first challenge for the AOL Fandemonium award but to see both Deuces and No BS premiere during the show. It took over an hour to see the premieres but it was worth it since these two wonder cinematography videos from Fan of a Fan which was made for us fans was available for the world to enjoy as well.

Fans were instructed by Terrence J that if we wanted to see either or both videos more on the show to text to 79922..teambreezy is already familiar with that number because of the award's challenge. To vote for Deuces, send a text with this message: Chr and to vote for No BS, send a text message saying: Chris. We credit @_CBreezyMAFIA for the correct message since I nor my fellow members wrote it down..too busy thinking about the videos we had just seen lol

This is HUGE for teambreezy and Chris Brown because there was a time when we thought they weren't going to play the new videos but thanks to the fans that did not give up on tweeting to BET and MTV, these two made for fans videos have now been on both networks, with rotation on MTV Jams. The Movement knew it was just a matter of time before networks would wise up to the many talents Chris has to offer and thanks to teambreezy, it has definitely paid off! *claps*

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

TeamBreezy's Mission to Text 79922 for Chris Brown

Hi Everyone,

Teambreezy is amped up about the BET collabo with AOL for the “AOL Fandemonium Award” that is apart of the BET Awards 2010. Yes, we would love for Chris to take home the Best R&B Male award home, but this new award is very special to both Chris and his fans. One of the many reasons we are Teambreezy is because Chris has never missed an opportunity to thank his fans for all our support and we appreciate the love. We as Teambreezy members return the love via tweets, buying CDs, going to his concerts, speaking on his behalf, or hitting up BET and MTV on the daily to get more TV time for Chris’ videos.

The Fandemonium award has challenges being announced on 106 and Park with a new challenge given on different days with the fan base competition of four artist: Nicki Minaj, Trey Songz, Justin Bieber and of course Chris Brown. The results from the first challenge which was to text your favorite artist’s initials to 79922 with an unlimited amount of votes for each person participating, were announced on today’s show from lowest point to highest. The order is as follow: Justin Bieber with 1 point, Trey Songz with 2 points, Nicki Minaj with 3 points, and Chris Brown with 4 points. People recognized how dedicated Teambreezy members were, ignoring the concerns of whether or not they would get billed extra fees for the text messages as well as helping each other out with questions about this challenge. That’s how a team is supposed to work, not fighting but answering questions to a fellow member.

The current challenge is to log on twitter and make your favorite artist a Trending Topic..the artist with the highest slot wins the challenge. The rule is that you have to tweet: #BETChris in order for it to count. Seemed in a matter of a half hour or so and teambreezy had Chris’ name in the #5 slot Worldwide! Yes!! Nicki’s name made a brief appearance on the list when Chris was #4 and she was #5 and now teambreezy is going head-to-head with Justin’s team to see who will have the top slot. With the challenge lasting until 6 pm EST there’s plenty of time for fans all over the world to participate.


so don’t forget to add #BETChris to your tweets fam!

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Update on Chris Brown's UK/Ireland F.A.T.

Good Afternoon everyone,

  According to planetchrisbrown.com, the dates are being rescheduled! Yes! So all the fans that were distraught by the issues Chris was having a few days ago, don't worr, the dates will be available soon. So please check back at the official website and @planetchrisclub which Chris' Aunt Christine runs for more updates:)

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

Friday, June 11, 2010

Radio Personalities discuss Chris Brown's current situation

Good evening everyone,

On June 11, 2010, a radio station posted their discussion between Kempire and his team: Silent, Sharron, and Corey where this portion of the show focused on Chris Brown with the question: Should Chris Brown get a second chance?

To start off, yes, they all agreed that he should get a second chance. When Kempire asked them to elaborate on their responses, their reasons involved him still being young, effects of the incident staying with him the rest of his life so why let this prevent him from continuing his career, as well as the denial into the UK for his FAT tour leg. Here is the link for the radio discussion: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kempireradio Under the topic: "What the Hell News!?!" where you can either play automatically or download.

Majority of what they were saying is agreeable except for the little comments about the incident. The first phone call that came through was from #teambreezy member @nLuVREalChrisB, who by the way, EVERYONE who isn't following should follow NOW because she epotimized what we believe is how everyone on the team feels with four points. The way she thought about the situation from an analytical viewpoint is appreciative because it showed a different aspect of what many who only sum up Chris in a negative way to look at it from a fan's perspective. She spoke about her love of Chris' music, including In My Zone and Fan of a Fan with the argument that none of his records have anything negative linked to them so why shouldn't he receive a second chance?

Kempire allowed two more callers to voice their opinions where another Chris Brown fan, @godlovecb, questioned when radio stations would start to play more of Chris' music without fans having to request/beg more than we would for other artists. Kempire and another member of his team explained that it is not just about the station playing his music but the station's fan base that may not want to hear his songs. Kempire did add that when Chris has a banger that everyone wants to hear, he will definitely have his music played on the radio more and more.

The only direction we did have concerns with was the male caller who claimed Chris needed to be more "humble" yet he is basing this on that one dj and some tweets on Chris' personal twitter page. As humans, we have emotions, whether it be or not be positive but no one can tell Chris what he wants to speak on except for Chris because we can only make ourselves happy. Mechanical dummy may want to pop in every now and then but Chris Brown eventually deletes the tweets and apologizes no matter if he was in the right or not. We personally think that Chris is very humble, very aware of what he has in his life as well as being very blessed by God for the gifts he has been given. If you like the radio discussion and would like to follow Kempire, his twitter page is @TheKempire

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

Fan Appreciation Tour POSTPONED

Hello everyone,

According to Chris Brown's Tour Manager, TC and his DJ, Drew's twitter pages..the FAT tour is postponed until further notice. We appreciate the news because a lot of fans worldwide were wondering what was going to happen with the UK and Ireland legs of his successful tour. Although it is a shame that the tour has been delayed, it is much better than hearing that it has been canceled! Chris' Aunt Christine had already posted on her twitter page a few days ago that Chris would never cancel a tour. Why would he when so many fans all over the world are anxious to see him perform and have a chance to participate in his Meet and Greets.

One should never give up hope that they can meet their idol or favorite entertainer. You never know what God has in store for you and "The impossible can always be broken down into possibilities" *_* Author Unknown

 The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This won’t keep Chris Brown down

Hi everyone, We are pretty sure everyone has heard by now about Chris not being allowed into the UK yesterday in preparation for the UK leg of his tour. During his tour break, Chris spent Memorial Weekend in Miami and last week in NYC for a photo shoot..many blogs have declared him as being in a relationship with model Jasmine but no, it’s all business. Chris had tweeted two twitpics with them together with captions “ummmm” and “chillin”..seemed to be teasers but others took it as a start of a relationship. There was even a fan tweet saying their kids would be cute lol

Back to the UK situation, most of the fans are upset with the news that Chris will not be performing in the UK as scheduled or at least until we hear more news..postponed until the gov’t and CBE can work something out. They have not discussed a cancellation nor tweeted on this so please don’t allow what media has commented on to reflect on what is actually going on. No need to jump to conclusions of whether it’s a negative reaction to Chris or bringing up the past when we have no real proof as to what’s really going on so why go there? Negative energy only creates more negative energy..a positive reaction to a negative energy kills the negative..beat the negative by keeping hope, faith, and God first. We are not given what we can’t handle, and for those that need help, God is always there for you.
The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy