OUR PURPOSE: Positively Breezy is a blog centering on Superstar, Chris Brown. Postings strictly focus on what Chris is doing to become an even better entertainer and humanitarian. Chris is using his celebrity to keep awareness on the natural disaster that affected many lives in Haiti as well as non-profit organizations like: the Kemoeatu Brothers Foundation in Hawaii, the worldwide Best Buddies and Symphonic Love.

We encourage everyone to browse through our posts and be inspired by this young man and what he has accomplished and be inspired to stay positive in mind, body, and soul.

The Movement

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Success of Yeah 3x follows Deuces

Hi Everyone,

We all knew 2010 would be the biggest year for Chris Brown when In My Zone's mixtape was released. On the heels of the successful VA Stand Up Benefit Concert was the release of Fan of a Fan with Tyga. On that mixtape album was the one song that helped shift Chris back into the mainstream is "Deuces" which features Tyga and Kevin McCall. The song has been played on radio stations across the world, official video was aired on BET's 106 and Park and voted all the way to the #1 spot on the countdown!

Currently, "Deuces" is in the #1 for R&B/Hip-Hop Songs for the 9th week on Billboard's Chart, #16 spot on the Hot 100 Chart, #13 for Radio Songs, #33 for Digital Songs, the #8 Ringtone, and #4 Myspace Songs.

With "Deuces" receiving great success, Chris Brown has followed up with a song for his upcoming album F.A.M.E. "Yeah 3x" which has aired officially on MTV this past Thursday and BET's 106 and Park yesterday. With fans and celebrities tweeting how much they enjoyed the video and praising Chris for his amazing dance skills, "Yeah 3x" is heading in the same successful pattern as it's predecessor.

Both songs are available on iTunes. Let's go and support our boy!

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy

Friday, October 1, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness: For you and those you love

 Hi everyone,

We all either know someone that has been diagnosed with cancer or know of someone that has been diagnosed with a disease that still has not found a cure. With breast cancer, it may have affected your grandmother, your mom, an aunt or cousin, your sister, a friend or you. Depending on the level the cancer has affected the body, there are ways to beat cancer and live a  life cancer free. The awareness of breast cancer has become more and more popular as each year passes with organizations such as Susan G. Komen's that encourage young ladies and women across the globe to see a doctor and get a Mammogram that simply means getting an X-ray done on the human breast.

One of the biggest causes affecting women is cancer, the most popular kind is Breast Cancer but a rarely discussed cancer is Endometrial which affects the ovaries. Every year, more and more women are encouraged to see doctors and get screened for possible diagnosis. Experts in this field always hint that the earlier it is detected, the better the chances are of not only fighting the cancer but beating it.

It has been reported on cancer.org that in this year alone, new cases show that a little over 200,000 women have been diagnosed and almost 40,000 have died from breast cancer.

For more information on October's National Breast Cancer Month, please visit: http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/BreastCancer/, Susan G. Komen's website: http://ww5.komen.org/, www.nbcam.org which is celebrating 25 yrs of awareness, education, and empowerment... http://tmi.me/1SjmQ
If you cannot donate funds, other ways of helping is encouraging loved ones to get mammograms and cancer walks are organized each year in different cities which is empowering to those diagnosed and their family and friends so please join! 

The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy