OUR PURPOSE: Positively Breezy is a blog centering on Superstar, Chris Brown. Postings strictly focus on what Chris is doing to become an even better entertainer and humanitarian. Chris is using his celebrity to keep awareness on the natural disaster that affected many lives in Haiti as well as non-profit organizations like: the Kemoeatu Brothers Foundation in Hawaii, the worldwide Best Buddies and Symphonic Love.

We encourage everyone to browse through our posts and be inspired by this young man and what he has accomplished and be inspired to stay positive in mind, body, and soul.

The Movement

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Teambreezy welcomes Chris Brown back on 106 and Park

 Hi everyone,

We know Teambreezy is calming down from either watching Chris Brown live or on the television when BET's 106 and Park came on yesterday. One of us was there (me :-]) and I had a wonderful time meeting some of the other stans in the long line outside the studio.

The photo taken by a BET employee shows how long the line was with @Miss_VVBreezy leading the pack (we heard she was there since about 8 in the a.m.)..talk about determination to be first lol I was somewhere in the middle with my official blue wristband. Although everyone was feeling a bit "Breezy" in anticipation of seeing Chris back on the show again, the anticipation exceeded our need for warmth. So many people were waiting outside in hopes of security allowing them inside, even when told a dozen times that they would have no chance since the studio was packed, including five people who had came all the way from Maryland to see him. Btw, the man in the wheelchair was rocking the "Exclusive" concert shirt!! #YerdMe

While still hanging outside, the stage director had said, "I know how his fans are going to be. Once he comes on, they'll be screaming and clapping like crazy, but once he leaves, the level of energy will go down." So true!!

Once inside, after getting instructions of what we could and could not do, we all counted down the time for Chris to come out and bless all of his dedicated fans with his charming smile. During some breaks, the crowd was hyped because they played "Back to the Crib", "Deuces" (for the second time near the end), and a few other hits and we were all singing and dancing along to them (including the employees, especially the Stage Director that was goofing off with everyone).

Finally, after one last break, Rocsi and Terrence J. introduced Chris Brown and it was so amazing to see him so upclose. Normally it's about 20 feet away from his concerts and you could easily tell he appreciated seeing his fans give him such a warm welcome. He's so animated and needs no assistance from the hosts to be "live" with the audience..he's just so Breezy!

It was my very first time at 106 and Park and I'll never forget the experience because I got to see Chris Brown and him doing the "Teach Me How to Dougie" live!! Simply amazing!!
The Movement © 2010, copyright Positively Breezy